Thursday, May 18, 2017

A Dog House Part 3: Getting Closer

As most Coloradans know, our weather can change in a moment and we built this doghouse with that in mind.  What was forecast to be a warm and sunny day can turn into cold, windy, and rainy without warning.  So we installed sheet foam insulation in the dog house to protect against those weather changes.  Before winter strikes, we will be adding an old school light bulb to provide heat (kind of like a space heater).
sheet insulation

In addition to insulating the house, I wanted a deck for our puppy to feel comfortable lounging on during a rainstorm.  There is a slew of great information on installing decks for DIYers out in the great interwebs, however we learned some pretty helpful tips from The Samurai Carpenter and recommend you check out his YouTube channel for hours of instructional entertainment.

The boards were bowing away from eachother, so I utilized
the always handy clamps to pull the boards into line
before screwing them into place
A helpful tip that I learned is to use
the deck screws to create the perfect
spacing between each board.

After laying down the deck we installed 2 support posts and stained it all with leftover deck stain from our main house deck.  Then we took three varieties of fence boards and affixed them to the house entry area in order to add some pizzazz and style to the house.

Mr. DIY had this idea. I wish
OUR home entryway looked this cool.
Our furry girl likes to sit on the deck with us, but has yet to use it on her own.  Maybe that will change with time or maybe I installed a deck just for the aesthetics. Either way, it was fun.

A close-up of the completed porch -
never you mind that roof.  We'll discuss that next!

Thanks for stopping by our neck of the DIY neighborhood. And as our favorite neighbor Mr. Rogers used to say, "You always make each day a special day for me, by just being you. There's only 1 person in this WHOLE world like you; that's you yourself, and people can like you exactly the way you are.  I'll be back next time. Bye-bye!"

Bye-bye neighbor!

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